2019-2020 project requirements

- The project has to employ two of the following data analysis methods:

1. Principal Component Analysis;
2. Factor Analysis or Exploratory Factor Analysis;
3. Canonical Correlation Analysis or Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis;
4. Discriminant Analysis;
5. Cluster Analysis.

- The project is an individual one.
- Depending upon the selected data set, type of analysis that is intended to be conducted, and the goals established for the analysis, one of the above mentioned methods is to be employed appropriately.
- The solution will be delivered as a Python programming language project, consisting of the following components:
a) a MS Word document containing data description, analysis approach, motivation of opting for the two chosen data analysis methods, result presentations, interpretations, and conclusions;
b) input data files;
c) Python programs;
d) output data files.

- The project has to be uploaded on the online.ase.ro platform, using the institutional credentials, as a single archive file:


2019-2020 cerinte proiect

- Proiectul trebuie sa utilizeze doua din urmatoarele metode de analiza a datelor:

1. Analiza in componente principale;
2. Analiza factoriala sau analiza factoriala exploratorie;
3. Analiza corelatiilor canonice sau analiza generalizata a corelatiilor canonice;
4. Analiza de discriminant.
5. Analiza de cluster.

- Proiectul este unul individual.
- In functie de setul de date selectat, tipul de analiza care urmeaza sa fie efectuata si obiectivele stabilite pentru analiza, trebuie sa fie utilizata in mod corespunzator una dintre metodele mentionate mai sus.
- Solutia va fi livrata ca un proiect in limbajul de programare Python, alcatuit din urmatoarele componente:
a) un document MS Word care contine descrierea datelor, abordarea de analiza, motivatia alegerii celro doua metode de analiza a datelor, prezentari de rezultate, interpretari si concluzii;
b) fisiere cu date de intrare;
c) programe Python;
d) fisiere cu date de iesire.

- Proiectul trebuie incarcat pe platforma online.ase.ro , utilizand credentialele institutionale, ca un singur fisier de tip arhiva:


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